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Create, update, or delete an Alliance

Transactions that affect Alliances can only be executed via the governance module. All stakers agree on creating, updating, or disbanding Alliances through governance proposals.

Create an Alliance

Alliance-compatible assets

The Alliance module leverages the IBC module to bridge foreign tokens and the Token Factory module to mint native tokens. Alliance allows any native token recognized by the bank module to be staked as long as it has been whitelisted. CW-20 tokens sent via IBC from other chains can be used in the Alliance module if they are minted as native tokens.

Creating an Alliance uses the /alliance.alliance.MsgCreateAllianceProposal type. This proposal type describes the Alliance attribute with the following properties:

  • denom: The address of the Alliance asset that the community wants to whitelist.
  • rewards-weight: Specifies the ratio of reward power given to each Alliance asset. A chain's native asset assumes a reward weight of 1.
    • ratio=asset_weightsum_of_total_weightratio = \frac{asset\_weight}{sum\_of\_total\_weight}
  • rewards-weight-min: The minimum RewardWeight possible.
  • rewards-weight-max: The maximum RewardWeight.
  • take-rate: The rate at which the Alliance asset will be redistributed to all stakers as rewards at every interval determined by the TakeRateClaimInterval module parameter. Used for liquid staking derivatives.
  • reward-change-rate: The rate at which the reward weight is scaled every interval. If the rate is less than 1, the reward weight will tend toward 0.
  • reward-change-interval: The interval at which the reward-change-rate will be applied.

For more information on Alliance asset properties, visit the Asset page.



allianced tx gov submit-legacy-proposal create-alliance denom rewards-weight rewards-weight-min rewards-weight-max take-rate reward-change-rate reward-change-interval [flags]


You can add a title, description, and an initial deposit to your proposal by adding the following flags:


--from string Name or address of private key with which to sign
--deposit string deposit of proposal
--description string description of proposal
--title string title of proposal

Update an Alliance

Updating an alliance uses the /alliance.alliance.MsgUpdateAllianceProposal type. This action has the same parameters as creating an Alliance. Note that an alliance can be updated only if the parameter denom matches a pre-existing Alliance.



allianced tx gov submit-legacy-proposal update-alliance denom rewards-weight take-rate reward-change-rate reward-change-interval [flags]


You can add a title, description, and an initial deposit to your proposal by adding the following flags:


--from string Name or address of private key with which to sign
--deposit string deposit of proposal
--description string description of proposal
--title string title of proposal

Delete an Alliance

Deleting an Alliance is of type /alliance.alliance.MsgDeleteAllianceProposal. An Alliance cannot be deleted if there are still coins delegated to that Alliance.

Before deleting an Alliance

The first step in deleting an Alliance is to update the Alliance asset's RewardWeight to 0. This will remove all reward power and rewards from the Alliance, effectively removing its influence in the chain.



allianced tx gov submit-legacy-proposal delete-alliance denom


You can add a title, description, and an initial deposit to your proposal by adding the following flags:


--from string Name or address of private key with which to sign
--deposit string deposit of proposal
--description string description of proposal
--title string title of proposal